Unique markets have different levels of Marketing maturity, use different ways of going to market, have different metrics of success, and view the role of Marketing in their organizations quite differently. Sometimes, it’s too easy to get too focused on what you have traditionally done in Marketing, and also a challenge to look outside your unique market for best practices in other markets which you might adopt. In today’s program, we are going to do a deep dive into the Healthcare market, and do a temperature check on its overall health and growth prospects. We will also characterize organizations in this sector—and try to highlight best practices inside the market, but also identify best practices from other markets which might be beneficial to a Healthcare marketer.
My guest today is Deborah Fell, Area Managing Partner and CMO at Chief Outsiders. Deborah is an excellent professional who has brought strategic marketing and dramatic improvements in Marketing programs and performance to her clients. Deborah has worked with healthcare clients in the insurance, mobile clinic, and senior living markets.
Guest: Deborah Fell, Area Managing Partner & CMO, Chief Outsiders