“WHEN IS RETURN ON LEARNING (ROL) MORE IMPORTANT THAN ROI?” If you completed a class on finance and accounting, you are likely familiar with Return on Investment (ROI).  Are you ready to take the pop quiz on how to calculate it?  No?  That’s OK, it’s not my objective here or to question your degree.  What I do want to do

2022-08-18T03:32:34+05:00July 13, 2022|Articles|

Screwing Up Value Propositions

SEVEN (7) WAYS NOT TO SCREW UP YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION Screwing up value propositions creates a critical risk to the health and growth of your business.  How important you think they are might be colored by your personal experience.  For me, a value proposition is a powerful summary of who you are and what you offer.  It defines what is

2022-08-18T03:25:37+05:00July 1, 2022|Articles|

Building Compelling Value Propositions to Drive Growth

Value propositions – officially defined as “an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers” -- are critical to the health and growth of your business. Precisely how critical you consider them in this regard is a function of personal experience. In this ebook, I share a best practices discussion with practical guidance

2022-08-18T02:48:15+05:00June 19, 2022|eBooks|

“Big M” Marketing

What do Bob Dylan, Soundboards, and "Big M" Marketing Have in Common? My wife has always been a huge Bob Dylan fan.  Me too, but not like her.  Years ago she bought Dylan tickets in the center section for his last concert at the State Theater in Minneapolis.  When we arrived at the theater, the usher said, “Oh, there’s a

2022-08-18T03:15:04+05:00June 13, 2022|Articles|

The Value of Lead Customers

A Best Marketing Practice: Cultivating "Lead" Customer Relationships for Breakthrough Products and Services It’s been many years since I learned what a “lead” customer is, and how to build lead customer relationships to build confidence and reduce risks of new product or service launches.  The concept of a lead customer, or lead user, is probably one of the most beneficial

2022-08-16T03:29:52+05:00May 13, 2022|Articles|
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