Free Resources2022-09-09T03:04:22+05:00


Introducing Horizon Zero

THE NEW “GROWTH KID” ON THE BLOCK: INTRODUCING HORIZON (ZERO) Since the introduction of Horizon Growth planning in the late 1990’s, businesses which


“WHEN IS RETURN ON LEARNING (ROL) MORE IMPORTANT THAN ROI?” If you completed a class on finance and accounting, you are likely familiar

Screwing Up Value Propositions

SEVEN (7) WAYS NOT TO SCREW UP YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION Screwing up value propositions creates a critical risk to the health and growth

“Big M” Marketing

What do Bob Dylan, Soundboards, and "Big M" Marketing Have in Common? My wife has always been a huge Bob Dylan fan.  Me

The Value of Lead Customers

A Best Marketing Practice: Cultivating "Lead" Customer Relationships for Breakthrough Products and Services It’s been many years since I learned what a “lead”

Business vs. Digital Strategy

BUSINESS STRATEGY, DIGITAL STRATEGY, and “THE ROAD NOT TAKEN” by ROBERT FROST Many of you probably read Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”



Learn from the Wise Men

It’s good to have wisdom. Biblically, the person with the most wisdom in the bible, other than Jesus, was Solomon. 1 Kings 4:29

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