Ditch Your Sales Funnel

DITCH THE SALES FUNNEL and GROW REVENUE FASTER, MORE PROFITABLY The model of a “funnel” to represent a sales pipeline is ripe for retirement.  A gentleman named E. St. Elmo Lewis is given credit for initiating the idea of a funnel in 1898. It would be amazing if a business model like a funnel would still find relevance 120 years

2022-08-18T03:39:31+05:00August 2, 2022|Articles|

Business vs. Digital Strategy

BUSINESS STRATEGY, DIGITAL STRATEGY, and “THE ROAD NOT TAKEN” by ROBERT FROST Many of you probably read Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” somewhere in your educational career.  It’s a short poem of four stanzas and 20 lines total.  For a poem so brief, it’s surprising that Frost’s famous work is so powerful yet often misinterpreted.  If you can’t recall

2022-08-16T03:27:24+05:00May 1, 2022|Articles|

Horizon Growth Planning-Maximizing Business Valuations

Whatever the driver, creating a sustainable growth engine for every company is the only way to see results – and it’s more than just an annual growth plan or an intriguing digital marketing strategy. Accordingly, to succeed in your marketplace over the long term, companies must shift their thinking and implement the appropriate combination of revenue growth planning, processes,

2022-08-18T02:57:18+05:00March 19, 2022|eBooks|

Diversification-The Big Growth Driver for Manufacturers

Manufacturing Technology Insights I don’t agree with people who express “grow or die” statements. But there are numerous reasons to have a clear view of the growth roadmap for your manufacturing business. Here are a few reasons you need a growth roadmap—and hopefully, a diversified growth roadmap. Over time, every business’ core products and markets will start to become less

2022-08-16T03:14:31+05:00March 13, 2022|Articles|

Preparing Your Business for a Future Economic Slowdown

John C. Maxwell, the American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books on leadership has a wonderful quote about growth that says: “Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” There may be another version of this we should be paying attention to, and I think that version is: “Change is inevitable, so is an economic slowdown.” With the long

2022-08-16T03:09:31+05:00February 13, 2022|Articles|

The Digital Growth Imperative for SMBs

There are four major business improvement opportunities and related benefits enabled by digital technologies: 1. Improve your business strategy and business model 2. Improve your distribution channel presence and performance 3. Improve your customers’ experiences 4. Improve your supply chain performance Download our ebook to learn how to start building your digital growth engine today. PDF Download

2022-08-17T01:09:36+05:00January 19, 2022|eBooks|

What do Dynamic Value Hierarchies and Power Windows Have in Common?

Do you ever wonder how power windows on cars and trucks came about?  Try to buy a vehicle with hand crank windows today.  Good luck with that. The story of power windows is also a story about value hierarchies.  Value hierarchies are graphic depictions of your value proposition.  Value hierarchies are usually organized as pyramids with three tiers of value.

2022-08-16T03:01:58+05:00December 2, 2021|Articles|
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